Monday, October 9, 2006

The Crazy Life

The Crazy Life
Current mood: productive

Man, after 2 weeks of this working full-time and going to school at nights M-Th thing, I'm having a hard time adjusting! I think I'll be OK, it's just tough for someone like myself to not have as much "me" time as I'm used to. But, I'm not complaining. It's for a good cause and I think I can keep myself motivated. It's just going to be a long winter... :)

Anyway, I've made sure to keep friday nights and saturdays free, so that is a good thing. But sunday has become homework day. Yesterday I spent a little over 6 hours total. It was almost like another day at work! And then of course, this morning, I'm back at work!

Ya know what would help? If someone wanted to pay my rent for me. Any takers? C'mon rich myspace cruisers! There's gotta be someone out there who wants to sponsor me. I promise I'll give you mad credit when I'm successful and famous.

OK, back to work I suppose. I have a pre-calc exam tonight. Wish me luck!

Currently listening :
High Land, Hard Rain
By Aztec Camera
Release date: 09 July, 1991

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