Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ecological Footprint Quiz

Ecological Footprint Quiz
Current mood: determined

So, we took this test last night in Env Sci class.


It measures some simple consumer habits over 18 easy questions to give you a pretty good idea of your "Ecological Footprint" (in other words, how much actual impact you have on the earth, measured in acres).

---The US average is 24 acres per person (highest in the world)

---I came in at 11 acres, and I don't even own a car or a house! My large footprint was mostly due to food---how often do you think about how far your food has travelled to reach your plate? Turns out it's an average of 1000 miles! And think of all the energy you're burning transporting it.

---Ideal is 4.5 acres or less. It would take some MAJOR lifestyle adjustments to get to that. Take the quiz for yourself and feel free to leave a comment on this thread about your results. Be honest! Nobody's grading or judging you here. I think it's really just a wake-up call in general, as we don't generally think about most of the things that pop up on the quiz.

I would have thought I was doing much better than 11 acres. I'm aware of the issue, walk or bike everywhere, and try to consume as little as possible. But this quiz woke me up and showed me I've got quite a ways to go. My next step is to focus more on purchasing food grown locally.

Currently listening :
At the Gate of Horn
By Odetta
Release date: 14 October, 1997

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