Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day 2008

I just got home from the polls and wanted to document the vibes in the air today. It's just so exciting being part of this, and even though I voted for Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney for president (my biggest issue, as always, remains lack of choice), I am hoping for an Obama win. And regardless, it feels like we are finally waking up from the long, deep sleep we've been in as a nation for the past 8 years.

I'm skeptical as ever regarding Obama's plan for America, and I have yet to trust any politician. However, I'm going to support his presidency (should we find out later tonight that he's won) and will consider voting for his second term should he follow through on his lofty promises. He does have a chance of removing some of the deep cynicism embedded deep within my psyche---and conversely, he could also be the biggest disappointment in history.

For better or worse, today is the beginning of a new era in this country.

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