Saturday, October 13, 2007

2007, On the record

I've been worried for quite some time at the state of public wrangling and political discourse that has become the norm over the past few years. "Gotcha" politics and the 30-second soundbite are ruining any sort of intelligent discussion and work towards sensible solutions on many fronts: health care, terrorism and the war, civil liberties, free speech, and opportunity. There are so many labels and catchphrases out there, and leaders are so afraid to speak freely, for fear of being quoted out-of-context or for possibly making a statement to which other people might (gasp!) disagree.

The whole Bru-ha-ha over the General Betray-us ad and the Limbaugh "phony soldiers" comment was base enough, but what's been going on the past week with poor Graeme Frost is almost sick. It was pretty sad enough that the Dems put him in the position in the first place, and it's been even more sad to see the nasty things some of the far-righters are willing to say about a 12-year-old. Wow. Didn't think it would come to this.

I am beyond any sort of solution. I have no idea how we can get out of this cycle. Mostly I just hate the labeling---those who disagree with the war as "unpatriotic;" those who favor expanded opportunity for all as "commies;" those who don't believe religion should be attached to government as "Un-American." When will there be some sort of leadership who can help us talk to each other again? We used to get things done in this country even though we disagreed with each other. Now, we're so busy jerking our knees at every perceived slight that we have no real time to think things through or introduce the art of compromise.

Wonder if it gets better or worse from here. Guess that's the nice thing about a blog---I can go back and check it at any point to follow up.

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